Coaching 101

The aim of the course is to help you to develop real world coaching skills that enhance your existing service offering without the need to re-invent who you are and what you do.

Welcome to Coaching 101 Online Course

This course is for anyone with an interest in developing a modern coaching approach that works in the real world as well as on ORDIT, Fleet assessments, Standards Check and Part Three assessments.

The aim of the course is to help you to develop real world coaching skills that enhance your existing service offering without the need to re-invent who you are and what you do.

The changes will be manageable so that it happens over time rather than trying to change everything at once. I have worked with many ADIs and PDIs who have attempted to make the changes to become a coach and the story was always the same, it starts well, but sustaining the change is difficult. My journey into coaching (way back when) was fraught with the same difficulties and I managed to find ways of working that meant I could sustain the changes. This course content is me sharing what I have learned along the way.

– Bob Morton ORDIT

About Instructor

Client Centred Learning

Bob Morton has been an ADI since 1989 working in the North East of England. He joined LDC in the Spring of 1991 as the company was in its infancy and joined the training team. Bob quickly progressed and became a team leader in the North East and developed LDCs Northern team. A move to Yorkshire saw Bob taking on more responsibility, becoming a lead trainer and joining the team interviewing prospective new ADIs. In his time with LDC he has done just about every job in the company and retires as Director of Training in August 2021 having 30 years of service with LDC helping them to grow into one of the biggest driving schools in the UK yet with a reputation for taking care of its instructors.

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Posted 6 months ago
Check and challenge

I’m an experienced sports coach and approaching 5 years as an ADI. BUT, some of my questions were too leading and putting learning in rather than drawing out. This just nudged me back. I would like to know when I’ll get chance to zoom and review of my coaching/teaching/instruction. In my role as an instructor trainer it helped remind me of setting the environment correctly as well.

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Posted 1 year ago
Ideas simply explained

Ideas introduced & explained in a simple easy to understand & implement way

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Posted 1 year ago
Talk Less Listen More

Bob’s calm approach with tackling the emphasis on active listening and being able to create a safe space for learning to take place was brilliant

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