Learn to Drive in 3D Online Course (Manual)
Welcome to Learn to Drive in 3D Online Course
This course offers you access to over 50 state-of-the-art animated Learn to Drive tutorials. Our real-world driving situations in 3D will help you learn quicker and get the most out of your professional driving tuition and private practice. You can train anytime, anywhere – from your PC or mobile device – and then apply what you’ve learned to improve your skills behind the wheel while on the road with your driving instructor.
- 100% Online Course
- Unlimited Access
- Free eBook on learning to drive in 3D
Course Content
Course Content
About Instructor
Richard Rawden
2 Courses

Ratings and Reviews

Provided the nuances of real world driving are handled during driving lessons, this course provides a good grounding without going overboard. However, the structure of separate videos for each topic makes the process quite a bit slower and less fluent than it would be with one chaptered video per course section.

I felt the videos were very good but for the price being paid I think it could be kept slightly up-to-date in a few areas and could have more breadth and depth with more examples of nuances of situations or slightly different situations relating to the topics covered.

3D makes it more visual and easy to understand