Question 5
Tell me how you’d check that the headlights and taillights are working. You don’t need to exit the vehicle.
Answer 5
Explain you’d turn on the ignition, turn on the switch, then walk round vehicle to check the lights are on.
Remember, this is a Tell Me question, you don’t need to get out of the car to physically check the lights, just tell the examiner what you would do.
Extra 5
When you switch your car lights on, both your dipped headlights and taillights will turn on.
Dipped headlights are the lights at the front of your car and taillights are the red lights on the back of your car.
You’ll switch your lights on when it first starts to get dark, when driving through a tunnel, when it’s raining, when there is poor visibility during the day. You switch them on so that other road users can see you, so it’s important they’re working properly.
If only one of your lights is working another driver may think you are a motorcycle and not give you enough space.
Checking your car lights is easy. All you need to do is turn your car ignition on, then walk around the car to look at your lights to see that they’re all working.