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Theory Test Course

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  1. Introduction
    2 Topics
  2. Topics
    16 Topics
    28 Quizzes
  3. How to Answer Questions
  4. Hazard Perception
  5. Test Anxiety
  6. Case Studies
    9 Quizzes
  7. Mock Tests
    1 Topic
    21 Quizzes
  8. Games
    2 Quizzes
  9. Test Ready
    2 Topics
  10. Extra Content
Lesson 11 of 10
In Progress


Answering multiple-choice questions is so much easier when you have a simple to use technique.

In the next two videos, I’ll explain and demonstrate the question answering technique, so you can make passing your theory test easy.

NOTICE how much easier it is now, to answer questions?

Attempts for Clip 1

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Unique course that teaches you the ins and outs of the hazard perception test.