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Goal Setting – GROW

czareena 07/05/2022

G R O W Model For Goal Setting

The importance of goal setting in the learning process is that it helps the learner to evaluate not only where they want to get to, but where they are currently and what is required to reach their objective thus facilitating the development of evaluation of a task and self-evaluation of reality, strengths and weaknesses. 
Only when we start to learn to evaluate do we begin to understand how much we don’t know.

Learners, therefore without the ability to evaluate their reality, are more prone to taking risks and being overconfident in their capabilities, as they have no experience of considering their reality, or their strengths and weaknesses.

Setting goals helps to motivate the learner through the process as they are more easily able to monitor progress. It develops a sense of responsibility for the task as the learner begins to take control of their learning and development. This sense of developed responsibility should not be undervalued, in driver training, when considering the need for responsibility behind the wheel of a car particularly when you factor in that a lot of new drivers fit into the 17-24 year age group, where the frontal love of the brain is yet to develop, leaving your drivers vulnerable to thrill seeking and peer pressure (amongst other issues).

Setting out an ultimate objective and enabling the learner to plot and plan their way towards achieving it through a series of smaller objectives (G), where hty evaluate where they sit currently (R), consider ways in which they might achieve this (O), and plot the route to success (W), is a sure-fire route to producing more well-rounded and better skilled drivers post-test.

The GROW model is a four stage model that empowers the learner to develop many facets of their development around Psychomotor, cognitive and affective learning domains if used holistically around the four levels and three columns of the DGE matrix, cascading down from the fourth level

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