Lesson 2 of 6
In Progress

Closed Questions

czareena 15/01/2025


Questions that have a limited bank of responses, not necessarily that they can be answered ‘yes’ or ‘no’ but have correct and incorrect answers (such as speed limit, road markings, lightings etc)


The purpose of closed questions in Driver training should ideally be, to target the knowledge or potentially improve knowledge and understanding in the pupil around the goal of the lesson. 

When to use:

When setting up the goal for the session before moving off. 

During reflection periods at the side of the road to improve knowledge and understanding. 

On the move, in a limited context, solely around the learning goals for the session, to help the pupil to develop.

Generally speaking, closed questions require limited thought, targeting knowledge means the response is either known or unknown content. 
In this sense, closed questions should be asked before practice around the goal, but can also be asked on the move in many instances.

Closed questions largely benefit the instructor as much as the pupil, since they enable us to understand any gaps in the learning before the wheels turn or on the approach to risk. In addition, filling in gaps in the pupil’s knowledge will doubtless enable them to better achieve the goal, especially during practice.

At this point, it is important to stress the DVSA’s guidance on questioning the move. We must move away from general Q&A while the car is moving unless it benefits the learning goal of the session, or unless required to help maintain the safety of the vehicle, since responding to questions requires focus and in turn increases the attention deficit on the task, making learning less effective.

Examples Q’s:

  • What is the speed limit here?
  • What does the flashing amber light mean?
  • What is the best gear to use for this?
  • Why should you check the mirrors?
  • What will be a good speed to approach?
  • Would you signal on the approach for his exit?

Attempts for Clip 1

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