MTS: Risk Management
Risk Management
Did The Trainer Ensure That The Pupil Fully Understood How The Responsibility For Risk Would Be Shared?3 Topics
Were Directions And Instructions Given In Good Time3 Topics
Was Any Verbal Or Physical Intervention Timely and Appropriate2 Topics
Was Sufficient Feedback Given To Help The Pupil Understand Any Potential Safety Critical Situations2 Topics
Risk Management is a vital component of Client Centred Learning since we, as instructors, are delivering training, in and around a safety critical environment. It is essential that we both take responsibility for the safety of ourselves, our clients and all other road users whilst also helping our learners develop their own understanding of risk and strategies to cope.
The DVSA ADI 1 States:
‘It is vital that all parties in any on-road training situation understand, and are clear about where the responsibility lies for the safety of themselves, others in the vehicle and other road users.
From a training point of view, the ADI is also responsible for developing the pupil’s awareness of and ability to manage risk (as the driver, the pupil also has responsibilities). This is the objective that is being assessed in this section
If the ADI fails in this basic responsibility, at any time, they will fail the standards check’
This last line highlights the overall importance of delivering lessons where the safety of all parties is paramount. It’s true that this is the only criteria within the SC1 that has its own individual pass mark (8 or above)
The guidance notes on the DVSA SC1 report form states:
‘If you score 7 or less in the Risk Management section, the standard check will be deemed substandard and a Fail. Also, if the examiner believes your behaviour is placing you, the pupil or any third party in immediate danger they may stop the lesson and record an immediate fail.’
This chapter breaks down Risk Management into its five competencies, addresses the importance of each to the learning process and road safety and provides workable examples of how Client-Centred approaches can improve the understanding and management of risk within the learner.