MTS: Teaching And Learning Strategies
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Was The Teaching Style Suited To The Learning Style And Current Ability5 Topics
The GROW Model
Was The Pupil Encouraged To Analyse Problems And Take Responsibility For Their Learning2 Topics
Were Opportunities And Examples Used To Clarify Learning Outcomes3 Topics
Was The Technical Information Given Comprehensive, Appropriate And Accurate?3 Topics
Was The Pupil Given Appropriate And Timely Feedbacl During The Session3 Topics
Were The Pupils Queries Followed Up And Answered3 Topics
Did The Trainer Maintain An Appropriate Non Discriminatory Manner Throughout The Session
At The End of The Session Was The Pupil Encouraged To Reflect On Their Own Performance1 Topic
The sixth competence under Teaching and Learning Strategies requires the instructor to use many essential coaching skills to facilitate effective learning.
Active listening as previously outlined, seeks to create a deeper understanding between both parties by exploring and matching language and tone.
The use of open body language to encourage the pupil that the environment is a safe environment for them to express and explore their concerns, attitudes and emotions, without fear of judgement.
Intuition might be crucial as not all queries are verbalised, particularly when the focus is on controlling the vehicle through complex situations. If the body language, tone of voice or choice of words don’t all match up, or don’t match up to the behaviour on display then your intuition may tell you to explore this further.
Encouraging your pupil to ask questions, seek answers and find solutions ensures that they develop the skills that will help keep them safe as drivers in their world. It is for the instructor to determine how best to follow up and answer queries during the lesson. Where possible it is important to the learning if the client is encouraged to find solutions for themselves. However it can be detrimental to learning, leaving the pupil feeling undermined, if they don’t have the knowledge but are continuously met with questions in return. Additionally it can increase risk on the move where the client is overloaded with Q6A or is asked questions that require deeper thought and reasoning. It is important that we are able to identify our pupils learning styles, intuitively determine when they need thought and when they need information and deliver responses that meet the needs of the client, their learning style and which also keep the car safe.
The DVSA ADI 1 States:
The ADI should encourage the pupil to self-reflect, and seek clarification or further knowledge and understanding when appropriate. This will involve the ADI interacting with the pupil, creating a learning environment that encourages two-way discussion and coaching them to ask the relevant questions relating to any circumstance that may improve learning outcomes.